Frequently Asked Questions

What do I (the parent) need to do before I bring my child on the first day?

After the supply fee and first week’s tuition have been paid there are several things that the Center needs to have before your child can attend. Below is a checklist for you:

  • A complete enrollment form with no blanks (this form is in this packet and is labeled
    “Children’s Enrollment Application and Agreement”).
  • Immunization Record on the 3231 form (if you do not have this your pediatrician can
    provide you with this). This can be provided to the center up to 2 weeks after enrollment.
  • Provide the Center with a change of clothes (underwear, outerwear, shoes and socks)
    baby wipes (baby wipes will be used by the entire class unless you tell your teachers
    about specific needs such as sensitive skin, etc.), diapers and diaper cream and / or pull-
    ups, blankets if desired.

FOR INFANT PARENTS ONLY – (in addition to the above)

  • A complete infant feeding plan (this form is in this packet and is labeled “Infant Feeding
  • Pre-mixed milk/formula bottles with caps labeled with your child’s first and last name
    and the date (these will need to be provided daily and labeled daily)
  • Baby food, infant cereal, milk or formula will also need to be provided
  • A pack of diapers and wipes (wipes will be used by the entire class unless you tell your
    teachers about specific needs), diaper cream.

How do I get into the building on our first day?

We will provide each family with their own key card that will be programmed to enter the building.  To enter the building you will hold your key card in front of the card reader which is located to the right of the front door.  If you would like to schedule a time to drop by the center before your first day we will provide you two keys.  Please schedule an appointment prior to your arrival so that we have an opportunity to program your key cards.

What is your teacher to child ratio?

UCC operates based on the most stringent standards or national accrediting childcare associations with regard to child to teacher ratios, similar to the University of Georgia’s Child Development Center Lab at the McPhaul Center.  Lower ratios will allow our teachers to interact with our children more.  More teacher interaction will result in our children learning more and will give our children comfort in this very critical developmental age.

  • Our infant classrooms have 8 children at maximum capacity with 2 teachers, yielding a teacher to child ratio of 1:4. Bright from the Start mandates a ratio of 1:6.
  • Our crawler classrooms have 8 children at maximum capacity with 2 teachers, yielding a teacher to child ratio of 1:4. Bright from the Start mandates a ratio of 1:6.
  • Our toddler rooms (1 year old room) have 12 children at maximum capacity with 3 teachers, yielding a ratio of 1:4. Bright from the Start mandates a ratio of 1:8.
  • Our two year old rooms have a maximum capacity of 12 children with 2 teachers,
    yielding a ratio of 1:6. Bright from the Start mandates a ratio of 1:10.
  • Our three and four year old rooms will have 14 children at maximum capacity with 2 teachers, yielding a ratio of 1:7. Bright from the Start mandates a ratio of 1:15.

How experienced is your staff?

Each of our teachers averages over 5 year’s formal experience in childcare and/or teaching
settings. Our Director, Nadia Perez, has over 10 years’ experience in childcare settings and as
an administrator. Nadia has been a principal of an elementary school in Beijing, China and has
worked as a childcare consultant at NAEYC assisting centers to become NAEYC accredited. She
holds a master’s degree in Early Childhood Education from Western Michigan University. She
also has two children of her own; Augustine, 4 and Anna, 2. Both of which attend UCC.

Many of our teachers are parents which, we feel, increases their knowledge and understanding
of what children and parents desire in childcare settings. Most of UCC’s teachers have obtained
college degrees and every one of them has tremendous experience in childcare settings.
Additionally, each of our teachers will complete 20 hours of annual training (another NAEYC
standard), twice as much as is required by Bright from the Start, and bring their own unique life-
experiences and styles of teaching to University Childcare Center.

Do you provide meals?

We provide three delicious, nutritious meals per day for our children. Meals will be prepared on
site in our kitchen and each week’s menu will be posted on the bulletin board at the front of the
Center. Each meal will meet the nutritional guidelines of the U.S. Department of Agriculture
Child Care Food Program. Nutrition is very important at University Childcare Center and meals
will be prepared with a health-conscious approach using fresh fruits and vegetables as often as
possible as well as whole-grain breads.

Does your staff know CPR?

Yes. It is required by Bright from the Start that 50% of the staff knows infant CPR; however, we
strive to have a greater percentage of our staff certified in infant CPR. It should also comfort you
knowing that we are less than a mile and a half away from Athens Regional Medical Center in the
event of an emergency. Emergency procedures have been written for many different emergency
situations and each employee knows what to do in the event of an emergency. These emergency
procedures are posted in the lobby at UCC. We also practice evacuations (fire drills) monthly
and tornado every six months.

What do I do if my child is sick or gets sick mid-day?

We all know children often play very closely together and one sick child can very easily make
another child sick. For that reason University Childcare Center cannot care for a child that
shows signs of a fever or communicable disease. If your child shows any of the symptoms of a
communicable illness / disease, 101 degree or higher oral temperature, diarrhea, rash, sore throat
and/or any other symptom prior to arriving at UCC please keep them at home until they have
been symptom free for 24 hours.

If we notice your child starts to show symptoms while in our care we will separate the child from
the group and notify the parent or authorized adult by phone to pick up the child. Parents should
pick up the child no more than one hour from the time of notification. The child can return after
they have been symptom free for 24 hours.

Does UCC have security cameras?

Yes. UCC has security cameras located throughout the center; inside each classroom, hallway
and kitchen. All video is recorded and can be recalled if parents would like to view activities
within the classroom.